Don’t leave the well being of your child to chance. Your way to know your babies health, location and safety.

Our Features


To ensure you always know that your child has a healthy body temperature we use the MAX30205 human body temperature sensor. This sensor allows Baby Band to collect real time data about your babies temperature and lets you stay ahead of pesky sickness.


To make sure you always have the latest information on your child’s heart rate we use the MAX30102 heart rate module. This sensor lets Baby Band keep careful watch over your child’s heart rate, adding an extra layer of security for sudden and scary situations.


To allow you to always have life information on what happening to your child we use the BREAKOUT board mic to preamp. This sensor give you complete overwatch on what’s happening in your child’s room without you needing to be physically present.

our company

We are a small group of college students at the University of Denver. Our goal is to make parenting easier and stress free. We are very passionate about Baby Band and want to make sure you as a parent are able to maintain the pressures of parenting and real life while also being confident in your child’s safety.